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L. Chapter 3 - 20

Mar 31, 2023

Disclaimer: The two main characters depicted are step sisters. All characters showed in any nude or suggestive manner are over the age of 18.

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Strike after strike that left a large red imprint on her abused body, Sadie was slowly adapting to the wild situation. Every strike she felt, she climbed a little higher. Her whole body was aching with pain, but it wasn't enough to defeat her. 

The man was actually tiring himself out. When she saw how tired he was becoming from the repeated abuse, Sadie used it to take control.

"Let me make you feel better, sir." she said in a kind and loving tone. 

Dripping with sweat and tears, Sadie mounted the man. She rode the cock expertly, gyrating, squeezing, bouncing. He seemed to accept it as he lied back and let her do the work.

Serena was staring, her eyes were bulging. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Sadie was smiling. She recognized the smile. It was the smile she hated so much. Whenever Sadie beat her in a tabletop game, she would always smile that way. Victory is what it meant. 

But, she didn't hate what she saw. Apparently, this was a challenge that Sadie had overcome. It wasn't just Serena being tested, but Sadie as well. Sadie was acing her test. Pure awe and adoration, she stared at her sister and couldn't close her mouth, even if she didn't have a large object inside her mouth.

Seeing Sadie work, the constant tugs on her nipples felt more pleasant. She was moaning involuntarily as she was completely enthralled by her sister's ability to make love with this man.

Pressing her delicate chest against the man, Sadie's entire being radiated with femininity and sexuality. When they broke their kiss, Sadie would breathe warm air against the man's face, just enough to entice him into another deep and passionate kiss. She would lure out his tongue, then massage it dutifully inside her own warm mouth. He grabbed her butt, but not to hurt it. He squeezed and groped her body as she had turned into the perfect lover.

He shivered, moaning in a strained tone. Sadie took control, hypnotically shifting her hips, moving them in a fluid pattern while milking his cock of everything he was pent up with. 

"Mmmh. Thank you sir. Thank you so much. I love you." She cooed in warm breaths. 

"Ah.. This... Good!" He said through pleasure-drunk words. Sadie slowly sat back up, but he seemed a little tuckered out. She turned him around, and held his head in her small hands. He was such a large man, that it took more strength than she would admit to hold the weight of his head. She gave him a warm and comfortable place to rest, massaging his tongue while he rested. She was sitting on a spot that was particularly painful, it was where he'd hit her earlier. Not a spank, but a closed fist hit. She ignored the pain as she only focused on his pleasure. That was all that mattered in the world right now. 

She could hear her sister groan and gurgle, and for a moment, it sounded like a muted moo. Serena shook violently as she orgasmed. Her eyes rolling up, she was slowly changing into being a dairy cow. 

After tending to the man for another five minutes, she helped him up. He seemed annoyed at how weak he appeared next to Sadie, and grabbed her by the throat to attempt to reassert his dominance. But, it was too late. Sadie looked at the man with adoration, love, and endless warmth. When he squeezed her throat harder, her face only reflected the purest of kindness. He let go of her, and she thanked him for sparing her.

"If someone mistreats you... Come to me and I'll make sure they won't do it again. You deserve better. My name is Mr. Sarkh." He said in a low tone. His eyes darted back and forth to make sure no one else heard him. He straightened up and took a deep breath.

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