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L. Chapter 3 - 22

Apr 19, 2023

Disclaimer: The two main characters depicted are step sisters. All characters showed in any nude or suggestive manner are over the age of 18.

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Serena cooed happily as Sadie gave her nipple one last tug. She opened her eyes hazily as she had noticed that her step-sister was on the ground, groveling in a strange display of complete submission. She noticed the person walking towards them. Unsure, she covered her breasts as she saw the man from before walking over. He got down next to Sadie and examined her body closely. He was obviously worried about her. 

"Ribs feel good. Any pain when you inhale? Can you breathe in deeply for me girl?" Sadie inhaled a deep breath. She didn't feel any pain. He stroked her hair lovingly. 

"You performed admirably. Unbreakable, unyielding. More solid than the concrete you're kneeling on."

Sadie was glad that she was in this position. She was smiling from ear to ear, and couldn't hide her happiness just yet.

"Such a good girl..." He pet her gently, tracing his fingers down her body, admiring her robust exterior.

"Cow..." He said. Serena perked up, then proceeded to blush as she just realized that she'd just answered to being called 'cow'.

"I'm going to take the two of you home. I wrote that this was the first part of the assignment, but I changed my mind. You did so well, I will reward you. I will bring you two back to Sadie's apartment, and then. I will give you the rest of the day to recover. Tomorrow, I will take you to get you branded as cattle. There's no hiding the fact that you were born to be human livestock."

Serena stood up when Sadie got up to her feet after their Master beckoned them up. Sadie gave her a proud smile as she turned around and let the man attach a large metallic restraint to her. 

"Stay." The man said to Sadie as he then walked over to Serena. He examined her quickly before bringing over a huge metallic device. It had a hook with a large chrome sphere in the end. He pushed her upper body forward as he positioned himself behind her.

"Stay like that, cow." He didn't show Serena the same affection as he did Sadie, but it didn't bother the little cow. As the bell clanged out happily, Serena shuddered as goosebumps covered her pale skin. The man pressed the oily metallic bump against her butthole and slowly guided it inside of her. Sadie winked at the hunched girl, admiring the expression of Serena. 

Her face went limp as her tongue left her mouth. As the lower end of the metallic device had fully lodged itself inside of her, she felt the tingling torrent through her body. She wished Sadie would look away. The embarrassing state she found herself in was unbearable. But having been numbed down from the relentless day of degradation, she managed to adapt and overcome the challenge.

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