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L. Chapter 3 - 28

May 15, 2023

Disclaimer: The two main characters depicted are step sisters. All characters showed in any nude or suggestive manner are over the age of 18.

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"Hey, you've done enough now. I'm using the cow." Karl hissed in an annoyed tone at the other man. With an unamused glare, the young man spat on the ground and stood up. "Stupid fucking cow. Not good enough to even give me a decent time." He pushed Serena over, then walked away in a hurry. Karl stood up with a dangerous look in his eyes, the younger man started running when he noticed Karl taking a step in his direction.

Turning to see Serena on the ground weeping in silence, Karl bent down and leaned in.

"You okay, cow?" He looked her up and down. It didn't look like the guy in the white shirt had caused any physical damage.

"I'll take my leave now. Forgive me for the rough session. " He was about to stand up when he felt a tiny and shivering hand grab around his wrist.

"Don't go... Please..." Serena said as she gritted her teeth, trying desperately not to cry, her face was twisted in sadness.

Her Master and sister both watched from the sideline. They were both interested in seeing where this was going. Observing from a little distance, they wanted to see what Serena would do in this situation.

"Please..." Serena whimpered. She slowly spread her legs. She wanted to repay him for the kindness he'd shown her. The world was crazy, up was down, light was dark, and this fucked up situation was turning into a little slice of romance. 

He slowly slid his left hand up along her inner thigh. She spread her legs wider, practically begging him for more intimacy.

"Feel free to stop me whenever you feel like, cow." He looked over to her Master and received a nod of approval.

As the crying girl was staring at him with tears rolling down her red cheeks, the man slowly undid his pants. 

Serena couldn't stop crying, even when the man's thick and veiny cock flopped down on top of her sensitive pink curtains, she was bawling her eyes out. 

Pushing his cock into the crying girl's pussy, Karl gave Serena a gentle start. 

They locked eyes as he started thrusting in and out. Slowly and gently in the beginning, he didn't want to hurt her. But, as his cock made itself as home inside of the girl, he was impressed with the fact that she could take his full length. Obvious modifications had ensured that she could handle his cock. 

He was fucking her faster and harder, moaning and grunting, he leaned forward and pressed his torso against her huge udders. The milk containers were wobbling and bouncing, comically jiggling to the rhythm of the fucking she was getting.

Serena was naked, on her back, and crying while a stranger was fucking her raw. She wanted this.

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