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L. Chapter 3 - 40

Jun 30, 2023

Disclaimer: The two main characters depicted are step sisters. All characters shown in any nude or suggestive manner are over the age of 18.

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Sadie felt the warm tool approach her ass. The heat was frightening, but she couldn't do anything but stand still. Her step sister was shaking and sobbing, but she had to hold around her.

Sadie screamed out as the branding was taking place. She stood completely still, making the man's job as easy as she could. She was being labeled livestock. She had become an object now. As the pain slowly started to subside, she was shaking with regret and pain. Her cries were filling the room.

Serena was crying as well. They were weeping together, and the man was laughing at the two scared and hurt girls.

"Slave, lift your ass up, I'm gonna fuck your pussy, so please present it." 

His disgusting command had her lifting her butt up. She felt his big dick brush against her moist slit. 

Unceremoniously, the man drove his cock past her pink curtains, and deep into her warm pussy. 

"Hah... Nothing like fucking a freshly branded slave." He laughed while pumping in and out of the poor girl. 

"Moan for me, bitch. Moan like the whore you are!" He commanded.

Sadie's cries slowly turned into deep breaths, and in no time, she was moaning warmly as the man fucked her.

"Fuck, your pussy is good, but..." He grunted, increasing the pace.

Smacking her butt, he fucked her with more force. Serena felt the bench she was locked on wobble in rhythm with Sadie being fucked.

"Take it, you worthless bitch!" He shouted, emptying his balls deep inside of Sadie. She moaned out loud, the powerful explosion of an otherworldly orgasm ripped through her body and fragile mind.

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