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L. Chapter 3 - 39

Jun 28, 2023

Disclaimer: The two main characters depicted are step sisters. All characters shown in any nude or suggestive manner are over the age of 18.

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"Aaah!" She exclaimed in a dazed bliss. Something had penetrated her skin, and was injecting her with something amazing. A heat spread through her crotch, and as it kept pouring in, she cried out in ecstasy. 

The machine was forming the mark, and the nanomachines mixed in with the alchemical compound went to work. Programming her body and mind, she climaxed again as she was being programmed to respond to men's orders with absolute obedience.

Finally, the process finished, and the drone left her.

"Good slave..." The man said, slowly undoing the restraints, and helping Sadie to get down from the cross.

"Answer me truthfully, slave... Do you find me attractive?" He asked, grinning in anticipation.

"Yes." She replied immediately. Smiling sheepishly, she let the man hold her. 

"What's your weight and height, Sadie?" He asked. He wanted to see if the mark was doing its job.

"Last I checked, which may no longer be correct, I weighed 49.5kg, and stood at around 1.66m." 

"Turn around, hold around your step sister, and present your naked ass to me."

As he spoke the words, Sadie got to work. She complied in silence, holding tightly around her sister, presenting her exposed behind to the stranger.

"Good slave..." He massaged her ass.

"Whatever happens, keep your ass still." One last command, and he fetched the tool and prepared it for Sadie.

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