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L. Chapter 3 - 51

Nov 06, 2023

Disclaimer: The two main characters depicted are step sisters. All characters shown in any nude or suggestive manner are over the age of 18.

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"Such a good girl..." He praised the girl as he slowly let her stand on her own two feet. Patting her crotch lovingly, he whispered to her, "very good girl. I will let you two go dancing. But, the wardrobe has changed. Let me put on your new item" He kissed her as he placed the two girls next to one another and walked over to a bunch of boxes on the ground. Picking out two shiny tops. One blue, and one pink, he returned to them and started putting the new tops on. Neither Sadie, nor Serena, complained as he trapped her hands inside the mittened ends and proceeded to strap their arms to their backs, locked with hard metal locks. Finishing it up, he attached a metal chain between the two sisters and had them face one another.

"Look into each other's eyes. I want to feel the love" He instructed as he stepped a little away and started snapping photos of the two. Complimenting the two as the photos were being taken, he rained down endearing lines to the two step-sisters. " Such good girls you two are. So obedient and cute. Beautiful bodies..." He kept snapping photos until a bright light rolled through the studio.

"Oh, it seems your ride is here. " He walked over to Serena and gave her right breast a happy knead. "Soon you'll be dancing and having fun. Don't worry. I'll cover you up a little more. But since you two caused me some trouble, the restraining top will stay on for most of your night. But you can still dance around and forget everything in the heat of the moment" He booped her nose. Serena giggled back to him. At this point, both of the girls were kind of numb to everything that had happened. Such panic, grief, sadness, exhilaration, jolts of pleasure and excitement. It had all melted into one, incomprehensible goo. Until they could properly process it, they would simply try and keep up with whatever was going on. 

Mr. Cauld was so tempted to just ship them off to be sold as sex slaves. Looking into the excitable eyes of Serena, he wanted to see the crushed expression as she realized she'd been sold off and would never see her step-sister again. But that was a treat he wanted to save for later. Such a potent treat. Not yet...

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