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L. Chapter 3 - 02

Jan 17, 2023

Disclaimer: The two main characters depicted are step sisters. They share the same dad, but not mom. All characters showed in any nude or suggestive manner are over the age of 18.

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Sadie chuckled a little. 

"It's a long story." She stepped out of the monokini. She wasn't really allowed to wear anything that would cover up her most intimate parts while she was in the bedroom.

"I got time..." Serena hummed a little to herself as she took in the friendly environment of her sister's place. She'd been surrounded by cold metal for so long, she realized how much she had missed normal interiors.

"Okay. Sit down on the bed." Sadie threw the monokini to the side as she walked over to her sister. 

"Oh shi... Close the curtains, they're completely parted." Serena was about to stand up and walk over to close the curtains when Sadie just pushed her down on the bed again.

"It's all right." Sadie said in a calming voice and continued. 

"I've been feeling a little... blue... as of late. Like I'm working my ass off, so that I will be able to work my ass off, in the future. I've been suffering on purpose, never letting myself experience new things. Never feeling, living, fearing, loving. I found a way to let go of my daily burdens, a way to expand my horizons in ways I never thought possible." 

Serena had a puzzled expression on her face. She had no idea what Sadie was talking about, but... She felt a little jealous of how much life was burning in her sister's eyes.

"I don't get it..." She admitted.

"Of course not. It took me a while to understand it as well."

"Can you show me?" She asked. Sadie's salesline was good, she knew her sister well. 

"Well. I can, and I will. But, it's not really a thing you choose. In order for you to understand this, then you need to relinquish control of your life. And, I want to talk more about you first. Your changes... And what happened in that mining colony."

Sadie heard her phone buzzing. She grabbed it quickly and read the instructions from her Master.

The two girls spent the rest of the day, and some of the night, on Sadie's bed, talking about Serena's ordeal. 

Serena finally fell asleep under the blanket. She was wearing some black panties that sunk into her slit. She didn't tell her sister, but whenever she moved, she felt a small throb of pleasure from the cloth touching her private parts.

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