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L. Chapter 3 - 03

Jan 19, 2023

Disclaimer: The two main characters depicted are step sisters. They share the same dad, but not mom. All characters showed in any nude or suggestive manner are over the age of 18.

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"Remove the blanket, and the panties. Also, taste her breast. See if she lactates."

Sadie followed the instructions from her Master. He had heard everything the two girls had said thanks to the microphone. When Serena had asked about the headset, Sadie just said that it was for work. Working from home was so easy, she didn't even have to use her laptop most of the time.

The bright light from the moon wasn't enough. Her helpful trainer had rigged some additional lights outside so that the bedroom was better lit during the night.

Sadie admired her sister's body. Serena said that she had herself augmented at the toymaker on the colony. It went against everything she thought she knew about her sister, but this was also one of the reasons why she wanted to share her new life with her. Figuring that she wouldn't be forgiven in quite some time, afterall, she was doing things to her step sister that she had not consented to. Sadie looked her sibling up and down, taking in her beauty, her calm, and her fading facade of forced smiling. She was suffering, and it was all thanks to some asshole that betrayed her. 

"I've done some research on your sister's situation. It seems like she might've been experimented on by a self-proclaimed 'therapist' who lived on the colony. From what my contact has told me, the therapist had stolen government equipment, then pretended to be working under the same branch that my contact works under. I will try to arrange a meeting with said contact, so that Serena can be examined, and hopefully, helped. The remainder of her bad memories from the place stems from her being raped by a young man known as 'Zinnie'. A lowlife who was disowned by his parents, and who was said to never have developed mentally beyond a young teenager. I will tell you more at a later date. For now, you will come outside completely undressed, and blindfolded." 

Sadie listened intently to the voice. When he finished, she started sucking on her sister's nipple. The moment she started, warm milk filled her mouth. Drinking down her fill, she heard her sister moaning in her sleep. Allowing Serena some pleasure, she didn't stop until she could feel the overly busty little body shudder and shake in ecstasy before letting go.

She took her leave, vanishing into the night, leaving her sister naked and exposed in front of the open doors.

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